Monday, July 29, 2013

Introducing Me

I'm not sure how these blogs work, is it a venting thing people do or is it something actually useful. Either way I don't really care. We're just going to see how this goes. First off, I'm nothing special. Meaning I'm no writer, I'm not creative, there is nothing distinguishing about me. I'm just a small town girl with nothing going on. My life is just a constant stream of shitty happenings and filled with bad luck. Because I choose it to be that way or it's just "Fate" who knows, but lately I just seem to be having the absolute worst luck going. 

So, if anyone is reading these.. here you go a little about me without all my personal details, you guys are on a need to know basis. Still trying to build that trust you know. There's my first problem, trust. I have absolutely none. I am forever scared to put trust into people because all I have known is people leaving me and people stirring up ridiculous amounts of shit about things I have told them. 

Now I know you're probably thinking something along the lines of " This is just a mood fucking teenager." Sounds about right. I complain, but shit don't we all? You don't know me and I won't say some bullshit line about "don't judge a book by it's cover" cause you're just going to do it anyway. SO JUDGE AWAY LITTLE ONES, I DON'T KNOW YOU AND YOU DON'T KNOW ME! But you must find some interest if you're still reading this right now. Anyway, If you can't tell I ramble. I could ramble and rant for hours if you get me going enough.

And before you go saying, "shit son, this crazy girl has nothing better to do with her time other than write about her feelings.." blah blah blah, I work, and I work damn hard dealing with the public.. serving fast food. By no means am I saying my job is strenuous or hard ( in a laborious way) because it's not, but it's mentally frustrating and exhausting. You tend to realize that there is no such thing as common sense or common courtesy anymore. Like jeez people a little thank you is fantastic.

I can't think of something or someone else that has always been there for me, other than my little black shih tzu baby, Lola. The one thing in my life that hasn't judged me on my bad decisions. Yes I'm a dog lover I believe if you have a dog nothing else will matter, they know exactly what you're feeling and whenever you're upset they can feel that and will try everything in their power to make you feel better.

This is getting a little lengthy, which again I'm not sure is supposed to be or not, but hell with it. Maybe I'll post something again who knows.. until then if someone was reading this,  hope you enjoyed this little snippet of my life. Cause this sure as hell isn't all of it.

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